You don't pay for smoking cessation. It pays you.

Out of my email inbox’s daily deluge of medical journal push notifications and study updates, an article recently stood out. It outlined a study recently completed by Dr. Tami Gurley-Calvez and Jessica Sand at the University of Kansas School of Medicine to determine the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation services. The study was commissioned by NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, with funding from the Kansas Health Foundation.

Increasing coverage for more quit attempts

A single “quit attempt” is defined as four sessions of counseling and 90 days of any single FDA-approved smoking cessation medications like nicotine replacement, varenicline, or bupropion. The investigators compared the costs to payers of continuing to cover two quit attempts per year (eight sessions of counseling and 180 days of medication, as currently mandated by the Affordable Care Act), versus increasing coverage to 4 quit attempts per year, equaling sixteen sessions of counseling and potentially a full year’s coverage of a medication. Costs were the sum of the cost of the counseling sessions and medication costs. Benefits were the projected reduction in medical spending attributed to a reduction in the number of smokers. The investigators assumed a 4.4% relapse rate in people who had quit smoking for more than a year.

For smokers under the age of 65, either model–two quit attempts or four quit attempts–broke even by year four; that is, money paid for counseling and medications was equaled by reduced medical spending. But by year six, the cost-savings of the additional counseling sessions and additional medication coverage really took off:


By year 10, the per-person benefit of covering four quit attempts per year–$215–was almost double that of two quit attempts, at $109. This is to say that your return on investment for paying for additional smoking cessation services appears to roughly double when you double the up-front investment in counseling services and drug coverage.

If you feel a little leery about modeling studies right now, considering the difficulty epidemiologists have had in modeling responses to COVID-19 interventions, know that the conclusions of this study in terms of quit rates are well-established by clinical trials in real people.

We should always be careful about acting on the results of a single study. But there is a strong signal here that, if your company currently covers the ACA-minimum two quit attempts per year, you may benefit financially from increasing coverage to four quit attempts per year. Dr. Gurley-Calvez and Ms. Sand rightly point out that some companies may not expect to keep employees for the five to six years needed to reach net economic benefit. But they also note, as we’ve long pointed out to KBGH members, that if this type of coverage were applied uniformly across a number of diverse companies, we could collectively achieve these economic benefits alongside a healthier employee population, even if the members of that population changed jobs frequently.

If you have strategies your company has used in smoking cessation or substance abuse that you’ve found successful, please share them with us!

As the Medical Director of the Kansas Business Group on Health I’m sometimes asked to weigh in on topics that might affect employers or employees. This was a reprint of a blog post from KBGH.

2. Social media is a set of common platforms to draw out our worst tendencies

(note: this is a continuation of a rant from a couple weeks ago)

I know it's absurd for me to be talking about "social media" as though it's some homogenous monolith. I'm sure aficionados could tell me the subtle differences between platforms the way a sommelier could tell me the difference between a Malbec and a Cabernet. But at the end of the day, those are just two varieties of red wines, and like them, Instagram and Twitter are more similar than they are different. And one of their similarities is they tend to bring out the worst in us.

Before my departure from social media, I saw people on Facebook joining or "liking" pages devoted to searing hatred of immigrants. These same people in some cases had testified at deportation hearings for undocumented family friends. What was it about the choice architecture of that "like" button that made the sort-of-evil decision the easy one? 

This isn't that different from the other happiness-draining things our consumerist society throws at us with the promise that we'll be happier if we use them. Tobacco, junk food, and social media all want the same thing from you: they want to take away your control over your life, health, and happiness. But while we've made strides to combat tobacco and junk food, like smoke-free laws and taxes on bug juice, we seem stuck in a self-sustaining vortex that tells us that more connection, more technology, will solve our problems instead of creating new ones. If a drug hit the market and prompted some of the behaviors that we see with social media, would we applaud it?

And the children. The children. We're training our kids to avoid boredom at all costs. How many kids have you seen dialed into a phone at a restaurant? How many staring into a screen at a playground? How many being beseeched to turn down their phones while at a restaurant or basketball game?

These are not behaviors that any of us are proud of. Were you to point them out to the very people exhibiting them, they would be ashamed, right after they got done telling you off and posting on Facebook about what a jerk they just ran into at the restaurant. But pride aside, there is probably real harm being done here. I'm frankly suspicious of any claim that the fake news on social media swayed the last US Presidential election, but it certainly didn't lead to a more erudite, informed electorate, either. But a kid who sits at a restaurant with earbuds in, staring at a screen, is being trained that boredom is unacceptable. What will happen to this person the first time he's confronted with a situation that requires delayed gratification or an attention span? 

So even though I'm a bit of an anti-incrementalist, I'm hoping to see just a series of small ticks in mobile/social media use. Comedian Chris Rock is having fans lock up their phones at his shows. Jack White has been doing it for a while now. I don't think these guys are doing it out of general fuddy-duddyness; they're trying to bring out the best in their audiences and to make sure everyone has a shared experience. Schools, historically afraid of parent backlash to less-than-100-percent-available kids, are even in on the act, establishing "phone free zones" with the same technology Chris Rock is using. 

Things you can control right now

There are a lot of things you can't control: the weather, the stock market, your neighbor's loud music. But many, many things are under your control, as pointed out by Lori Deschene. And how well you do at seizing control makes a huge difference in your health and happiness:

Right now, you can control:

1. How many times you smile today.

7. When you pull out your wallet for luxuries.

11. How often you notice and appreciate small acts of kindness.

17. The type of food you eat.

21. How much exercise you get.

22. How many times you swear in traffic. [I'd amend this to say that you can control how often you're in traffic at all. If you're swearing at traffic, chances are you are the traffic.]

27. The attention you give to your loved ones when you see them.

28. How much you enjoy the things you have right now.

41. Whether you formulate a new plan or act on your existing one. [this is my favorite]

44. Whether you smoke or drink. [unless you’re an alcoholic, in which case you are in control of whether or not you seek help from a qualified practitioner]

50. How much rest you get at night.
