*MAMIL nomenclature unabashedly stolen from Code Switch:
Since I'm a MAMIL most days, at least for an hour or so, and since I know that even weekend warrior-style sporting activity is associated with a 34% reduction in the risk of dying, a 40% reduction in the risk of dying of a heart attack, and a 17% reduction in the risk of dying of cancer, I headed out to Benton, Kansas today for the final race in the Rage Against the Chainring series, the "Rage of Oz." This is the Land of Oz, after all, or the "Land of Ahs" if you prefer:
And, well, we've got us some rage:
*may or may not be from Kansas. But probably is.
So there we were, slippin' and slidin' through the Flint Hills south of Benton, Kansas, for 50+ miles:
It's not as flat as it looks. And for all you mathy-types, it was a two-lapper.
The end result was 4th place in the "B" class (sort of like scoring in double digits in the JayVee basketball game), but also a Saturday morning that I'm proud of and a statistically lower risk of dying today or tomorrow.
And some very muddy legs:
You can get a Belgian suntan even on cloudy days. In fact, more Belgian suntans are acquired on cloudy days than sunny days.