Doctors, like orange juice, are better with breakfast

When I was a medical student, I thought I wanted to be a radiologist. I love the science. I like the physics of radiation, and my ego was invested in the idea of being a “doctor’s doctor” that other doctors looked to for wisdom and interpretation of diagnostic testing. Radiology checked all those boxes without the ooey-gooey autopsies and whatnot that are part of the daily routine of pathologists.

Then I did a radiology rotation.

I truly did like the science of x-rays and the conversations with other doctors and all the rest. I discovered one problem, though: I could not stay alert for hours at a time in a dark room looking at films. Come two or three o’clock in the afternoon, I would inevitably start to fade. Once, I even nodded off in the radiology suite. So, with the safety of future patients in mind, I decided to go a decidedly more well-lit and upright route, eventually completing a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. If nothing else, the work in endocrinology was ambulatory. If I’m moving, I can’t fall asleep.

I review my personal history as a wind-up for a research paper in JAMA Health Policy this last week (paywall). Investigators looked at records from primary care practices–these studies always pick on primary care docs–to see how likely a patient was to receive a “statin” medication depending on the time of day of his or her appointment. This is no casual question. Viral pandemics aside, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States. Appropriate use of statin medications like atorvastatin (Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor), and others dramatically reduce the risk of death from any cause in people at risk for heart disease.

Using United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines, which state that we should offer statins to anyone with known vascular disease, anyone with a diagnosis of a genetic problem called “familial hypercholesterolemia,” or anyone with a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level of 190 mg/dL or more (among other diseases like diabetes), the researchers found a disturbing trend. Compared with 8 am appointments, which the investigators used as their reference group, the likelihood of getting a statin was lower at all hours except 9 am. And the likelihood of getting a statin pretty consistently fell as the day went on: 88% at 9 am, 63% at 12 pm, and 69% at 3 pm. Overall, you were only 69% as likely to get an appropriate statin prescription in an afternoon appointment as you were in a morning appointment. Here’s the raw, “unadjusted” data:

JAMA Health Policy

JAMA Health Policy

And yes, radiologists make more mistakes later in their shifts, too. But this phenomenon is not limited to doctors. Judges sentence defendants more harshly just before lunch, when they’re hungry, and sentence more leniently after a break. Car crashes peak between 5 and 7 pm. Students taking standardized tests perform better earlier in the day and recover performance after rest. If you’re like me, you may have found that you do your best creative work earlier in the day, and you’re better off going to meetings or working on a task list later in the day.

The wellness industry has long coached patients to get the earliest available appointment of the day, but our reasoning has had more to do with the fact that if you go earlier in the day, you’re less likely to have to wait. With this data, we have to consider not only the time in the waiting room but the outcome of the visit.

[Disclaimer: the Kansas Business Group on Health has CDC funding to encourage appropriate use of statin medications.]

As the Medical Director of the Kansas Business Group on Health, I’m sometimes asked to weigh in on hot topics that might affect employers or employees. This is a reprint of a blog post from KBGH.

Freedom from the vortex

Maybe you’re sick. Not throwing up or coughing up blood or having a fever, at least not most of the time, but you’re on a few medications, probably for diabetes or blood pressure issues or cholesterol, and your doctor picks on you to change your diet or be more active whenever you see her. Your medications cost a couple hundred dollars per month, and every second or third time you visit the doctor she adds another one, or replaces an old, cheap medication with a newer, more expensive one.

And maybe you weigh a few pounds (or many pounds) more than you want to. You’ve tried a few diets, mostly Atkins-type stuff, or low-fat, or calorie counting, and you’ve lost weight a few times, but each time the weight eventually came back.

Maybe you’re tired all the time. You feel bad when you get up in the morning, you are fatigued and achy all day, and you don’t sleep well at night. Your doctor thinks you might be depressed, and you’ve tried a couple medications for it, but they don’t seem to help.

And maybe you worry about money. You spend a lot of it on medications, and you go through the drive-through a few times a month even though you promise yourself that you won’t, and you end up working longer hours than you want to because you need to make sure the bills get paid.

Maybe you worry about the environment. You worry that our habits are putting your kids’ futures at risk, and you worry about it, but you aren’t sure what to do. A couple of times you’ve clicked the button to buy carbon offsets when you flew somewhere, but mostly you just try to ignore the problem.

And maybe it hasn’t occurred to you that these are all different manifestations of the same problem. You read that right. There is a very good chance that your diabetes is just another manifestation of the same set of problems as your weight and your fatigue and your money issues and even climate change.

We’re gonna talk about how. This blog is about your health, but not in the way that you’re used to talking about it with your doctor. It's not about the “blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol,” kind of health that makes you feel like a gadget someone is tinkering with. It’s more about the “What do I look forward to when I get out of bed in the morning?” kind of health. Or the “What can I do today to make sure I’m happier tomorrow than I was yesterday?” kind of health. Health as freedom: freedom from false choices, freedom from medications (not all of them, but some of them), freedom from the, *ahem*, Bravo Sierra that passes for medical advice from celebrities and celebrity doctors. I’m talking to you, Dr. Oz.

You’re not going to see click-baity posts on this blog about some new supplement or cellulite-destroying cream. You’re going to see posts on how you can take control of your life back. I’m not talking about a life jacket to protect you from the evil, swirling vortex of drug companies, subsidized faux-food, and carbon-spewing cars and factories. I’m talking about the freedom of learning how to swim your way out of that vortex altogether, put your feet on dry land, and walk away. All those people wrapped in spandex and padding away on a commercial gym’s treadmill under creepy fluorescent lights: do you think they’re free? They sure don’t look like it to me. You, with dry feet, having sprung once and for all from the vortex and now walking one foot in front of the other toward a happier, healthier life: that’s what freedom looks like.

I intend to be your guide along this path to medical freedom. I want to teach you a new way to think about your health; a way that allows you to make decisions that are your own and that will get you out of the vortex. You know the last time you had a bad cold, and you felt guilty for taking all the healthy days you had before that for granted, and you wondered when you would finally feel normal again? Remember how you said to yourself that you’d never take a healthy day for granted again? Once you claw your way out of the vortex, you won’t. And it will be because you MADE that next healthy day. You will have made it yourself, with your own hands and feet and decisions. If you believe me, I’ll see you at the next post.